Cerrowire Sponsors IDEAL National Championship Qualifying Round at Utah Electrical Training Alliance
Posted On: October 7, 2022

Top apprentice Tytan Smith, IDEAL’s Sam Peterson, top electrician Travis Welton and Little Giant’s Trevor West display “tickets” to the Championship Finals in Tampa.
Hartselle, AL – IDEAL Industries, Cerrowire® and Little Giant Ladder Systems co-sponsored the IDEAL National Championship Automatic Qualifying Event at the Utah Electrical Training Alliance (UETA) in West Jordan on September 28-29. More than 75 student-apprentices and professional electricians participated to determine the fastest and most accurate electricians in the area.

UETA Director Mike Lanoue, Cerrowire Brand Manager Phil Schmidt and UETA Assistant Director Brian Vermouth
Winners of IDEAL automatic qualifying events across the country advance to compete in November in Tampa, FL, at the IDEAL National Championship for Elite Electricians and to vie for more than $600,000 in cash and prizes. Competitors have a shot at earning the distinction of being one of North America’s elite electricians.

The Lyle W. Williams Company team supports the UETA and Cerrowire in Utah: (l to r) Travis Barnes, Dustin Rogers, JR Christenson and Chris Riding.
Professional electrician Travis Welton and student-apprentice Tytan Smith each bested their peers at installing a receptacle, splicing and, finally, testing for continuity using Cerrowire 14 AWG THHN and IDEAL tools and products. The winners completed the tasks in 1:53.6 seconds and 54.5 seconds, respectively. They scored the free trip to the finals, a new Little Giant Ladder, an IDEAL tool bag and Cerrowire swag.

Top first-round winners in the apprentice category show off their winnings: (l to r) Apprentice Kody Robinson, IDEAL’s Elissa Wenster, UETA’s Mike Lanoue, apprentice Jacob Crowther, IDEAL’s Sam Peterson and Little Giant’s Trevor West.
All contestants at the UETA qualifier enjoyed Cerrowire and Little Giant swag giveaways and prizes, while a Cerrowire-sponsored bar-b-que spread and taco bar rounded out the family friendly atmosphere at the match ups.

Lulu Lubanga celebrates his fastest time.
“Cerrowire has enjoyed partnering with UETA Director Mike Lanoue and Assistant Director Brian Vermouth. Their collaboration, along with the support of IDEAL Industries, Little Giant Ladder Systems and our Utah sales rep partner Lyle W. Williams Company, has resulted in an exciting and very successful qualifying round,” Cerrowire Brand Manager Phil Schmidt said.

Ryan Clement works quickly on his challenge.
Begun in 2016 by IDEAL Electrical as a program to highlight professional trades as rewarding career paths, the championship series showcases the essential skills and expertise of the trades. The months-long qualifying season culminates in a high-energy, high-stakes experience of a lifetime each fall for hundreds of professional and apprentice electricians.
“We fully support IDEAL’s push to highlight skilled trades as rewarding and lucrative career paths,” Cerrowire President Stewart Smallwood said. He added, “U.S. manufacturing relies heavily on skilled labor; IDEAL’s initiative could not come at a better time for both manufacturers and job seekers.”
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